
Select View|Show View|Help to open the Help view. The view shows the TPT documentation (User Guide) or the TPT API documentation (TPT API) depending on the selected button, see Figure "'User Guide' and 'TPT API' button".

'User Guide' and 'TPT API' button

User Guide

Select User Guide in the Help view to open the TPT documentation, see Figure "'User Guide' and 'TPT API' button". By default, images are displayed as thumbnails in the User Guide. Click on them to see the full size images. The following icons can be used, to open the TPT documentation, to go to the previous or next topic, or to remove highlights.

The toolbar contains the following elements:

opens the TPT documentation in an web browser
goes to the previous selected topic
goes to the next selected topic
goes to the previous topic in the table of contents
goes to the next topic in the table of contents
removes highlights
expands drop-downs
collapses drop-downs


You can search in the TPT documentation (User Guide) by entering a search term in the right-upper corner of TPT or inside the TPT Help view, see Figure "Search field in the TPT documentation (User Guide)".

Search field in the TPT documentation (User Guide)

You can search for phrases by enclosing their search terms in quotation marks. The search is not case-sensitive. It supports the following Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, ^ and ().

AND Use AND to narrow the search and retrieve only the topics that contain all the words it joins. Instead of the operator AND, you can use the plus symbol (+) or the ampersand symbol (&), both giving the same results. The way you type the operator is irrelevant: it is not case-sensitive (AND - and - And). When separating terms with a blank space, the AND operator is always inferred.
OR Use OR to search for two or more words. This broadens the search results by retrieving topics that contain any of the words it separates. Instead of the operator OR, you can use the pipe symbol (|). The way you type the operator is irrelevant: it is not case-sensitive (OR - or).
NOT Use NOT to search only for matching topics that do not contain the term following the operator. Instead of the operator NOT, you can use the exclamation mark (!) or the caret (^). The way you type the operator is irrelevant: it is not case-sensitive (NOT - not - Not).
() Use parentheses () to combine Boolean phrases and search terms. For example, search entry: step (target OR table); finds: "table step"," reset target step", "step".

You can search for partial-word and number strings.

The minimum number of characters that you can set for partial searches is 3.

Once the desired topic is selected from the search results, the table of contents on the left hand side will automatically show the position of the topic. This is particularly helpful to see the context of the topic. You can navigate to the next or previous topic using the buttons in the help toolbar. Click Remove highlighted text to remove the highlighting.

Alternatively, use the arrows on the left side upper corner of the Help view to navigate "historically" to next or previous topic - not inside the table of contents- like browsing through the navigation history in a web browser (next page / previous page).


Select TPT API in the Help view to open the TPT API documentation, see Figure "'User Guide' and 'TPT API' button". Click Help to get an overview about the organization of this documentation, see Figure " 'Help' button in the TPT API documentation".

'Help' button in the TPT API documentation

For more information about the TPT API, see TPT API.

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